☆ This is my purple fluffy dragon created late yesterday...I love him and rarely do I love my own art...but this guy is so cute and special...LOL


☆ There's a new member in our family today that arrived in the middle of the night...a baby Leppit....so cute. My dear friend Kathy dropped him of and we are so thankful for her generosity. We've asked her for it's name...and we'll introduce you soon.
☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING GIANT SNOWFLAKES and GLOWSTICKS in all colours...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake in particular but they are all beautiful.
☆Maple woke up to new friends...the butterflies...he needs to find some direction as he has no where to go. His mother basically kicked him out. She wants him to learn some of life's lessons...He's not sure what that is suppose to mean!....so he follows the butterflies to the woods where they show him a crystal ball. He is shocked and amazed to see himself studying with a lion he has never met. He now knows he needs to search for that lion and find out what the lion has to teach him. The butterflies help to prepare him for his journey.