
Saturday January 3 2009

☆ Serenity and the gang are wishing everyone a great first weekend of 2009! Thanks again to all of you for all the Christmas and New Years gifts...WE LOVE YOU ALL!

☆The latest thing from fluff is more food...Toasted Marshmallows and popcorn. Thanks Michelle for testing. Serenity doesn't like them much (+2). She didn't like the jello either but she loves the Champagne...LOL (opposite me) We still haven't seen any popcorn decos for sale....2 days and they haven't fixed that yet...maybe they are on holiday. Also please beware!!!! Check out the holiday shop! It says that the holiday shop is now closed and ALL things have gone to the LE shop...you can still buy the stuff in the regular shops however but that means that it's all going to the LE shop soon...so buy it now!

☆ We have been trying to make our rounds to say thank you, to say hello in the New Year and vote on everyones art but the task is a bit overwhelming sometimes...if we haven't gotten to you yet we are doing the best we can and we'll hopefully get there soon.

☆ As with some of our friends, we find the holidays a difficult time of year because we are far away from friends and family and in foreign surroundings. We hope everyone who is experiencing holidays can just hang in there a bit longer cause this time too shall pass and then we can get on with our year!...things around our house are getting a bit better but it was a rough start to the year. We were thinking a lot about it and thinking maybe the holidays bring with them too many hopes, expectations and disappointments. Maybe next year we'll learn something and approach the holidays with zero expectations from our husband (who is Thai and doesn't even celebrate)...it's probably unfair on our part to expect him to celebrate something he has no idea about...again our different cultures can be a challenge.

☆ TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING our regular things such as Deco tickets, fluff ades and useful things for my art.

☆ Maple's Quest... It's the New Year and time to get busy on th Maple story. Maple enjoyed a feast with his friends. After the party, Maple went to the edge of the forest and gazed at the stars wondering how he would ever find the lion. His nerves had set in and he was now worried again about the journey ahead. He missed his mother terribly and couldn't sleep much.


Friday January 2 2009

Friday January 2 2009...
☆ Serenity and the gang hope you will have a great start to this New Year. We hope it is a lucky one and that you are healthier and happier than ever before.

☆We have a NEW YEARS BABY...that's really cool! His name is BumbleBug and he's a bee. I dear friend named Reta gave him to me. Thanks so much Reta. It is really special to receive a New Years Baby!...Thanks everyone who gave me gifts for New Years...so much Champagne we are still trying to recover so we can come around and say thank you properly.

☆I still can't seem to find the popcorn deco....hmmm...but today they came out with new foods again...Jello in red and green....big square blocks of it...those will be great as decos....very useful!!! Serenity doesn't like jello...probably if you put some alcohol in with the jello she would like it...LOL...have you noticed she's a bit of a lush...funny cause her owner is the opposite....crazy dragonfly!

☆ Yesterday we spent most of our time hiding. It really wasn't a good day or a good start to the New Year...but today we plan to have a much better day. Our best friend is finally back on line after not having a modem for more than a week....Yippee! Today we will be productive with our day and get a good start on the New Year.

☆TODAY WE ARE still COLLECTING the NEW PARTY HATS ...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake too and a few more red dots.

☆ It's the New Year and time to get busy on th Maple story. Maple will have a feast today prepared by the butterflies and then get a good nights sleep as tomorrow starts a new life...a journey to find the lion.


Happy New Years!

Thursday January 1 2009...

☆ Serenity and the gang want to wish you Happy New Year. We hope that you will take some time to reflect on your year and make some achievable goals for the New Year.

☆We love the little hat that came out yesterday.Very cool....We especially love the little furry stuff on top of the new party hat and the colours WOW!.....and today there are new deco foods, orange juice, onions (serenity's fav), onion rings and popcorn....(but I can't seem to find the popcorn...another glich...oops)

☆ We spent yesterday gifting for New Years and creating New Years art...We are especially proud of the silly drunk party goer fellow....hehe...that however was not how we spent our New Years Eve. We spent ours at home alone waiting for the countdown to come and go. We hoped to be together with our new husband on our first New Years as husband and wife...but it was not to be. He also didn't call. At 12:10 we called him to tell him we were locking the door and that he had forgotten the key. We figure the New Year can only get better with that kind of crappy start.

☆TODAY WE ARE still COLLECTING the NEW PARTY HATS ...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake too.

☆Maple will have a feast today prepared by the butterflies and then get a good nights sleep as tomorrow starts a new life...a journey to find the lion.

Happy New Years Eve!

Wednesday December 31...
☆ Serenity and the gang want to wish you Happy New Years Eve and we hope what ever you do tonight you will stay safe. Also we hope that you will take some time to reflect on your year and make some achievable goals for the New Year.

☆We love the new 2009 and the little hat that came out today. Very cool....We especially love the little furry stuff on top of the new party hat and the colours WOW!

☆ Zue gave me a Blue Dino yesterday and she sent him with a name. The name is Cody. The magical part of the story is that she had no idea that I had a Chow Chow very close to my heart that died of cancer. He was a great dog and his name was Cody. So thank you so much Zue for this very special new member in our family.

☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING the NEW PARTY HATS and GLOWSTICKS in all colours...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake too.

☆Maple will have a feast today prepared by the butterflies and then get a good nights sleep as tomorrow starts a new life...a journey to find the lion.


Tuesday December 30

Tuesday December 30...
☆ This is my purple fluffy dragon created late yesterday...I love him and rarely do I love my own art...but this guy is so cute and special...LOL


☆Today's exciting new stuff is the Champagne food that comes as deco food too. Serenity has tried it and she LOVES IT +10 (I think my dragonfly is a secret drunk...LOL) It is a gorgeous deco too...love the gold colour. The Champagne is 30m today. They also have instant sparkles for 10g....it is amazing and we want it so badly but it seems as though you can't buy it yet...hmm...we'll have to wait 'till they sort out that problem.

☆ There's a new member in our family today that arrived in the middle of the night...a baby Leppit....so cute. My dear friend Kathy dropped him of and we are so thankful for her generosity. We've asked her for it's name...and we'll introduce you soon.

☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING GIANT SNOWFLAKES and GLOWSTICKS in all colours...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake in particular but they are all beautiful.

☆Maple woke up to new friends...the butterflies...he needs to find some direction as he has no where to go. His mother basically kicked him out. She wants him to learn some of life's lessons...He's not sure what that is suppose to mean!....so he follows the butterflies to the woods where they show him a crystal ball. He is shocked and amazed to see himself studying with a lion he has never met. He now knows he needs to search for that lion and find out what the lion has to teach him. The butterflies help to prepare him for his journey.


Monday December 29

Monday December 29...
☆We've been enjoying all the gifts in our stocking and making new art so please do have a look in our gallery when you have some time.

☆The latest and greatest new stuff out today are GLOW STICKS...wow they are so cool in many colours...Love them!!!! 15m.... and there are beautiful sparklers for New Years..5g

☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING GIANT SNOWFLAKES and I still need 3 more SLEIGHS...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake in particular but they are all beautiful.

☆Maple woke up to new friends...the butterflies...he needs to find some direction as he has no where to go. His mother basically kicked him out. She wants him to learn some of life's lessons...He's not sure what that is suppose to mean!....so he follows the butterflies to the woods where they show him a crystal ball. He is shocked and amazed to see himself studying with a lion he has never met. He now knows he needs to search for that lion and find out what the lion has to teach him.


Sunday December 28...

Sunday December 28...
☆We've done lots of new art. Please have a look in our gallery to vote and comment...thanks. We love all the stuff that we got in our stocking and all the new stuff that Fluff Friends keeps coming out. We love to play with it all in the Editor...to see what we can come up with...but with the number of new things and the speed in which they are coming out it is keeping us very busy. We wanted to take a second here again to thank all the people who filled our stockings with great stuff.

☆The latest and greatest new stuff out today is 2 different pieces of holly for munny, and 2 snow globes, one is big and red and one is smaller and gold...They are both for gold...and there's a new gold habitat (10 Gold).

☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING GIANT SNOWFLAKES and SLEIGHS...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake in particular but they are all beautiful.

☆We still have 8 new little guys in our family that don't have names...if you have any suggestions please leave them on my wall or attached to the art created called "Help.No Names"

☆Maple woke up to new friends...the butterflies...he needs to find some direction as he has no where to go. His mother basically kicked him out. She wants him to learn some of life's lessons...He's not sure what that is suppose to mean!.