☆ We have been WARNED by facebook again for being too sociable (on a utility that calls itself a social network...LOL) So you will not hear a peep from us for a while. WE CAN'T even OPEN our INBOX..(tears) If you see our face then please know we are thinking of you. We will still be trying to visit galleries but we will not be commenting AT ALL. You can find us on skype. Username Leah Jacobs....but please do let us know you are from Fluff friends or we won't respond. We hope these silly WARNINGS from facebook will go away and we can get back to our fluffy life as normal but until then...we'll miss talking to you ....xoxoxo!

☆ It's my friends birthday today. Happy Birthday Elaine!!!! Please go and say happy birthday and maybe feed her or give her a gift for her birthday....thanks!
☆ The Holiday shop items still have not entered the LE shoppe even though it say in the Holiday Shop that they have...They will soon so buy them now! There are no new items for sale today and there is no popcorn still. The fluff team must be on a well deserved holiday.
☆ Do you have a friend who has not opened their stocking? Are you looking for the link?
Look no further...here it is.
☆ We have started a Valentines Project. We are collecting items. Please view topic in the forum if you like. http://www.fluff-friends.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=328768
☆ TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING deco tickets and ades of course
☆ Maple's Quest... Maple will head out on his journey and leave his new friends. Now that he has seen the Lion in the crystal ball, he knows he must go find the lion. He's really worried about the journey ahead. He's never done anything like this and (like most of us) fears the unknown.
☆ There is always new art in our gallery!!!! Please have a look and vote! Be sure to come back often to have a look! We will start to post our art links on our blob soon when we figure out how to do that.
☆ We have started a blog. You can have a look and follow our blog...We plan to post everyday our fluff journal and the latest fluff news....and a bit of our real life too. Here's the link for you to copy, comment, bookmark, and follow.