Well the hunt i underway and we have been looking everywhere! The ultimate prize is the Springtime Park habitat featured below. You'll need to collect one of everything including the impossible sparkle eggs.

There are many rare eggs to collect. Each of them have names. They are all gorgeous but the sparkly ones are everyone's favorites! We also LOVE the rotten eggs...LOL...they are the funniest things and WE WANT AS MANY AS WE CAN GET....hahahaha!

There are also a ton of plastic eggs to collect and open. When you open them you'll be surprised at the lovely things you'll find inside. Just look...Adorable!!!

Every once in awhile we take a break from the hunt and create some art. There's many pieces in our gallery already. If you haven't been there (and you're not sick of Easter art already...lol) then please do have a look. Here's a sample: