☆We've done lots of new art. Please have a look in our gallery to vote and comment...thanks. We love all the stuff that we got in our stocking and all the new stuff that Fluff Friends keeps coming out. We love to play with it all in the Editor...to see what we can come up with...but with the number of new things and the speed in which they are coming out it is keeping us very busy. We wanted to take a second here again to thank all the people who filled our stockings with great stuff.

☆The latest and greatest new stuff out today is 2 different pieces of holly for munny, and 2 snow globes, one is big and red and one is smaller and gold...They are both for gold...and there's a new gold habitat (10 Gold).
☆TODAY WE ARE COLLECTING GIANT SNOWFLAKES and SLEIGHS...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake in particular but they are all beautiful.
☆We still have 8 new little guys in our family that don't have names...if you have any suggestions please leave them on my wall or attached to the art created called "Help.No Names"
☆Maple woke up to new friends...the butterflies...he needs to find some direction as he has no where to go. His mother basically kicked him out. She wants him to learn some of life's lessons...He's not sure what that is suppose to mean!.
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