
Happy New Years!

Thursday January 1 2009...

☆ Serenity and the gang want to wish you Happy New Year. We hope that you will take some time to reflect on your year and make some achievable goals for the New Year.

☆We love the little hat that came out yesterday.Very cool....We especially love the little furry stuff on top of the new party hat and the colours WOW!.....and today there are new deco foods, orange juice, onions (serenity's fav), onion rings and popcorn....(but I can't seem to find the popcorn...another glich...oops)

☆ We spent yesterday gifting for New Years and creating New Years art...We are especially proud of the silly drunk party goer fellow....hehe...that however was not how we spent our New Years Eve. We spent ours at home alone waiting for the countdown to come and go. We hoped to be together with our new husband on our first New Years as husband and wife...but it was not to be. He also didn't call. At 12:10 we called him to tell him we were locking the door and that he had forgotten the key. We figure the New Year can only get better with that kind of crappy start.

☆TODAY WE ARE still COLLECTING the NEW PARTY HATS ...please if you can help me out that would be great...I need the Large "Kwanzaa" Snowflake too.

☆Maple will have a feast today prepared by the butterflies and then get a good nights sleep as tomorrow starts a new life...a journey to find the lion.


  1. Wishing you all the best for 2009. As you said, it has to go up from the starting point!
    hugs, Sammy from (fluff)

  2. Thank you so much Sammantha for viewing and commenting on my blog and for the warm wishes. You're the first one to comment....yippee!
