Monday December 22...3 more sleeps!
☆ Today we will finish the Flying Giraffe gifting Quest....we only have 2 more gifts to go but yesterday there was a problem with the quest and some gifts were not counted properly. So today we will get our badge. Yesterday that badge was going for 49 gold in the LE shop. We're sure the price will go down after everyone completes the quest today. We are mostly just glad to finish and see the percentage bar disappear. Our thoughts on this quest is that it would have been more enjoyable gifting active fluffs.
☆ We have been waiting for new last minute shopping items to come out. We want to shop but we're a bit bored with the items available.
☆ Maple's FluffTale...poor Maple, the young giraffe has been left all alone and has been crying all night. Today when he wakes up he will need to find a place to go. His mother has sent him out into the world to grow up and get some life experience. Maple had given his mother a hard time in recent months and now she figured the best thing for him would be to send him on a quest learn a few of life's lessons.
☆ We've done a piece of art for the Christmas Dinner Gala. The title of the art is Romantic Christmas Dinner for 2. Please help me win something. I have to collect as many votes as possible.
☆ We have spent some time reorganizing our fluff (Facebook) group Daisy's Diary. You can now start your own diary, upload your fluff photos, post gallery links, post single art links in the voting tree and you can use my petting list.
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