☆ Back from our short break. We are so thankful for all of our wonderful friends and the great fluffers out there. Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity. Thanks for your visits and love.
☆ While we were away they came out with the new January bonuses...There's a snowy white owl, a Canada goose, a puffin and of all things...a Sasquatch. Why a sasquatch????? We had to get one of those silly things into our family. Her name is Mistry. We also got Hedwig right away as we love Harry Potter! View my art if you want to welcome them.
☆ The facebook warnings that we were getting have finally gone away...Yippee! Dear fluff friends..WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WARNINGS!... Please be careful about your fluff activities as seems as though many fluffers get warnings. WHY? we mostly get them for what facebook considers to be spamming or miss use or abusive behavior. What this really means is that while using this app we tend to write too much, too often and to similar a message on people's walls. We also sometimes include our links for art or our fluffbook but in the eyes of Facebook..this is a big no no. The inbox is also a problem. Even if your conversations are legit you may be accused of over use. Also posting links in messages will also get you into trouble. Messages with gifts are acceptable behavior.

☆ We have created a tiny gifting app called fluff gifts. This is meant to accompany the fluff friends app. It was made to alleviate some of the repetitive messages left on walls and as an additional way to express yourself to your fluff friends. It was not meant to replace gifting. Gifting is very important in Fluff land...without giving and receiving gifts this place wouldn't be very fluffy! So if your interested please do have a look.
☆ Do you have a friend who has not opened their stocking? Are you looking for the link?
Look no further...here it is. http://apps.facebook.com/fluff/stocking_claim.php
☆ We have started a Valentines Project. We are collecting items. Please view topic in the forum if you like. http://www.fluff-friends.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=328768 I REALLY WANT TO PLAY CUPID. Please do what you can to help.
☆ WE ARE always COLLECTING deco tickets and ades of course and now getting ready for Valentine's Day so we're collecting anything heart realated...ANYTHING!
☆ Maple's Quest... Maple will head out on his journey and leave his new friends. Now that he has seen the Lion in the crystal ball, he knows he must go find the lion. He's really worried about the journey ahead. He's never done anything like this and (like most of us) fears the unknown.
☆ There is always new art in our gallery!!!! Please have a look and vote! Be sure to come back often to have a look!
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